Weather proofing your exterior joinery
Whenever a maintenance coat of protection is needed, Extra Durable Woodstain is the perfect choice. An extremely durable, solvent-based product, this hard-wearing, high-performance woodstain will keep windows, doors and conservatories looking and feeling fabulous all year round. Exterior joinery with an existing wood stain system requiring maintenance will benefit from applying one full coat. Enhanced weather-proofing for up to five years protection can be achieved if used in conjunction with Classic Wood Protection to coat new windows, doors and conservatories with two coats of Extra for premium protection. As with Classic Wood Protection, this is a micro porous system that won’t crack or blister – working with the wood to stay smooth and clean-looking for longer.
Sadolin Extra Durable WoodstainStunning shades
Sadolin's Extra Durable Woodstain resists flaking, blistering and peeling on windows, doors and conservatories. Available in 10 tints, there's no better product when it comes to durability.

Top tip:
Ensure full flowing even coats are applied for optimum durability and maximum life. Always brush in the same direction as the grain.
Perfect for:
Windows, doors and conservatories.
How to guides
Sadolin Classic Wood Protection
Sadolin Extra Durable Woodstain